Monday, January 28, 2013

Let him be little

I don't think there is anything more peaceful than a baby falling asleep on your chest. 

Being able to take the time and look at the peacefulness that is that child just does something to you. 

I don't think I say it enough, but I dread the day my baby grows up. I know it's going to happen. I know one day he will see the evil that is in this world, and his innocence is going to be stripped from him, and I HATE that. I hate that one day he may fear walking down a street because he is or is not like others.

Life is so short, and we take it for granted too often. I want to be sure that I never miss a moment of his childhood, and more importantly, that he never misses a moment of his childhood. 

I remember wishing I was older so often when I was little, hating that I couldn't stay up all hours of the night, I couldn't drive, or go where I want.

I wish I could go back and smack me silly. Those were the days. I love my life now, and I don't want to change anything about it, except, letting my baby be little forever. 

Just a thought for the day.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Well, it's been two weeks since we got the puppy and things are getting better. 

Day to day, it's getting more manageable and less chaotic. 

It's seriously like having two kids, so I'm taking it as early practice.

Not much is going on in the life of us. We live our daily lives and spruce it up every once in a while by visiting friends and family, or having play dates. 

I enjoy a simple life, and I'm going to raise my children in much of the same way.

It IS ok to go to a carnival and just walk around, only playing a game or two and getting some fries. You DON'T need to ride rides all night or play every game and buy every food in sight.
Sure it's fun, but really, you WILL live without it.

It is TOTALLY ok to spend an entire week at your house coming up with new fun games to play and just enjoying the company of others.

It is MORE than acceptable to shop for clothes in consignment shops, especially when you're just going to outgrow them in a few weeks.

You DON'T need the newest, most expensive stuff, you WILL be happy with what you have.

Too often in our society, people aren't happy with what they have, and they always want MORE or to do MORE, experience MORE. I think that's part of the reason kids today are so spoiled and needy and end up going down the wrong path.

Learn to say NO people. 


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I thought I was busy before.

Well. It's been more than forever since I blogged last. 

We've been busy.

Christmas came and went, and well, it was an exhausting blast. 
Baby Dean seriously enjoyed ripping open his presents, and I can honestly say that he plays with EVERYTHING he received. My house is a mess daily, and I love it. I know he's happy and enjoying his day to day life.

He turned 8 months old a few days ago. I still need to get pictures, so they'll be added at a later date.

Not too much has changed. He's very easily pulling himself to standing, and sitting back down. He walks with help from a "walker toy" and is really starting to understand what we're saying.

He loves giving kisses, and sometimes doesn't know when to stop. It's too adorable for words.

His laugh and smile will weaken even the biggest Scrooge's knees.

He is without a doubt my biggest pride and joy (and I know the same is for hubby).

In other news...

We added a new family member recently.

A puppy we named Bane.

Photo Credit: Karen Leigh Studios

He's a Rotty/Lab mix, and has definitely worked his way into all of our hearts very quickly.

He IS causing me gray hair, but that's what puppies do. 

Today we have a vet visit, to make sure he's well and healthy, let the bankruptcy begin!!

I promise, cross my heart, hope to die, stick a dirty needle in my eye, that I will start to blog more!

Happy New Year ya'll.